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Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship

Mission and Philosophy

Mission Statement

The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship cultivates a collaborative learning community that empowers students to innovate and achieve in an ever-changing world.




Trust, Respect, Responsibility


We believe...

We do...


The ability to problem solve, communicate, negotiate, listen effectively and to be accountable to others are critical skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century.

Model and practice collaboration through school-wide decision-making, Project-Based Learning, incorporating community partners and other classroom practices. 


The school environment should develop self-directed, willing, confident learners who find their voice yet understand the balance between one’s personal freedom and one’s responsibility to others and the greater community. 

Foster an environment that promotes student ownership of learning, both individually and collectively; includes and supports student voice in the development of school culture; and, encourages self-discipline and personal responsibility.


The challenges of living in an ever-changing world require people to be adaptable, flexible and critical thinkers who can apply their learning to new situations, confront challenges that have no clear answers, solve problems and respond to unanticipated obstacles.

Utilize Project-Based Learning and other learning strategies that offer students multiple opportunities to explore authentic, open-ended questions that allow for multiple approaches with a possibility of multiple outcomes.


All students can achieve through multiple pathways the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for transitioning to post-secondary success and to meet the rigorous requirements of working in a technology-rich, intellectually complex and personally challenging world.

Center the curriculum around authentic learning that incorporates Project-Based Learning and other learning strategies, state curriculum standards, 21st century skills, college credit, and the opportunity to pursue career pathways, ensuring that students are both college and career ready.

New Technology Philosophy and Practice

Based on the concept of the New Technology High Schools developed in Napa, California, The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship is an optional school that differs from the traditional high schools in the Monroe County Community School Corporation. The major focus of teaching and learning at The Academy is Project-Based Learning combined with college and career preparation.


Project-Based Learning brings together intellectual inquiry, rigorous real-world standards and student engagement in relevant and meaningful work. Many schools offer project-based learning for their students, but The Academy is unique because students are thoroughly immersed in it. Learning at The Academy requires students to master the subject matter necessary for traditional standardized tests, but also requires them to develop the skills to meet the rigorous requirements of working in a technology-rich, intellectually complex and personally challenging world. Project-Based Learning offers students multiple opportunities to apply their learning to new situations where the answer is not obvious – where students are confronted with challenges that have no clear answers, where they must solve problems and respond to unanticipated obstacles.


Adolescents often learn best when they encounter intriguing topics and people in real-world situations and when they are faced with genuine challenges, choices, and responsibility for their own learning. Classes are designed to help students gain knowledge through application and experience. Teams of students are often given problems or challenges they must solve by using what they have learned and the resources surrounding them, both at school and in the community. Students have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom through fieldwork, internships, community service, career training and by taking college-level dual-credit courses.


New Technology schools are intentionally designed to develop in students the perceptions, attitudes, and skills needed to successfully navigate the ever-changing world of the 21st century. These tools apply to all aspects of life - college, work, family, and community. At the corner stone of this work are three critical areas – respect, trust, and responsibility. Research consistently shows that people who are successful in life are people who have developed strong inter-personal communication skills, self-discipline, personal responsibility and accountability. The Academy is dedicated to helping students develop these qualities as part of their “tool box” for life. The Academy desires to produce young adults with the confidence and capability to handle the challenges of contemporary life and manage their lives successfully.

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