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Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship

School Wide Learning Outcomes




Students at The Academy are evaluated on the basis of their mastery of the course content and standards, as well as, five learning outcomes. The learning outcomes measure success in traditional content areas as well as 21st century skills. The learning outcomes and their definitions are listed below. Percentage weighting varies from grade level to grade level.

Agency: Students will develop a growth mindset and take ownership over learning.

Collaboration:  Students will demonstrate the ability to be a productive member of diverse teams through strong interpersonal communication, a commitment to shared success, leadership, and initiative.

Oral Communication: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate knowledge and thinking through effective oral presentations.

Written Communication: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate knowledge and thinking through writing.

Knowledge and Thinking: Students will demonstrate the ability to reason, problem solve, develop sound arguments or decisions, and create new ideas by applying the knowledge and skills of a discipline.