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MCCSC Newsletter November 17, 2023

Posted Date: 11/17/23 (5:00 PM)

MCCSC District Newsletter - November 17, 2023
We wish all our students, staff and families a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Break - November 20th-24th! 
Family Information

With inclement weather upon us, we want to remind families that when there is school closings or delays, MCCSC will notify families and staff via email, text/call, ParentSquare app, and on the website. You will see a notification like the image below on all school sites. 
For more information on MCCSC's school closings or delays, click here

Strategic Plan Progress & Updates
December's Strategic Plan progress updates will be on Health & Safety and aligns to Equity Goal 4: Meet the mental and physical needs of students in an equitable manner by continuing to study and establish effective measures related to health and safety.
We invite MCCSC staff, families, and community members to submit questions and input in advance of the presentation. Please submit questions by November 27, by using the form linked below. 
MCCSC Strategic Plan Priorities & Goals Question Submission Form.

View the timeline and presentations here

Equity Spotlight Award
Congratulations to the November Equity Spotlight Award winner, Shawnice Johns! Ms. Johns is a Bloomington High School South Community-Based Special Education Classroom Teacher. She goes above and beyond to engage her students in activities that promote community, inclusivity, and belonging for all students. She is a strong advocate while creating a warm and caring environment for everyone. Thank you, Ms. Johns for all you do for our students and families!
If you would like to nominate someone, please click here
Reading, Writing, & Bidding Online Auction
Date: Nov 27 - Dec 5, 2023
The 12th annual online auction is coming!  The FMCCS goal is to raise $20,000 to support our educator grant program.  
Thank you to the many local businesses and individuals who have built an amazing auction catalog.   We have over 180 items just waiting for your BID!  Great gift ideas, tickets to events, and so much more!   Check it out here. 
Register today and scope out your favorite items. Bidding runs Nov. 27 at 8 am through Dec. 5 at 8 PM.

Find local activities here!

The MCCSC Community Bulletin Board is the home for approved notices from not-for-profit community organizations. We are pleased to offer this service and will continually encourage our parents to view the Community Bulletin Board. We value the information you provide for our school community, and we look forward to continued partnership.

Upcoming Events

11.20-24 Thanksgiving Break
11.28 Board of School Trustees Special Meeting 6:00pm (Co-Lab)

12.5 Parent University: Maker Cafe 6:00pm (Co-Lab)