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Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship

MCCSC Newsletter - January 26, 2024

Posted Date: 1/26/24 (5:01 PM)

MCCSC Newsletter -  January 26, 2024
Happy Friday! MCCSC is excited to share information on our expanding Pre-K and Preschool opportunities in this MCCSC Early Childhood Education Brochure.


Strategic Plan Progress & Updates
February's Strategic Plan progress updates will be on Communications Goal 1: Develop and implement a robust Communications Plan to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
We invite MCCSC staff, families, and community members to submit questions and input in advance of the presentation. Please submit questions by February 12, by using the form linked below. 
MCCSC Strategic Plan Priorities & Goals Question Submission Form.

View the timeline and presentations here

Find local activities here!

The MCCSC Community Bulletin Board is the home for approved notices from not-for-profit community organizations. We are pleased to offer this service and will continually encourage our parents to view the Community Bulletin Board. We value the information you provide for our school community, and we look forward to continued partnership. 

We are excited to be a participant in the Go Bloomington is a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program that provides people with education on transportation alternatives for reducing single occupancy vehicles (SOV) in Bloomington.

Upcoming Events

2.1 Pre-K & Kindergarten Online Enrollment Opens

2.8 ASE 8th Grade Night:
6:00pm (ASE)

2.15 BGS 8th Grade Night:
6:00pm (BGS)

2.15 Parent U Event: A Look at Early Learning in MCCSC with a focus on Pre-K
6:00pm (CoLab)